Purchase of Flow Pot


Swindon Museum and Art Gallery applied for funding from the Contemporary Art Society to purchase works to extend their ceramics collection, which is mainly 20th Century.  A studio visit was arranged for Sophie Cummings, from the museum, and Christine Takengny, from the CAS, to view perspective works and take back findings to the purchasing committee.  They had thought they might purchase a sculpture because it had something of a fossil-like quality that could link the art collection to the archaeology collection at the museum but they were taken by the big Flow pot.  I enjoyed making it with two tone white and cobalt beads of porcelain as a jesture towards to traditional decorations on tableware.  

A Grant Aston sculpture was also purchased and we were both very honoured by an unveiling ceremony in April and later attended the grand Contemporary Art Society Patrons Annual Acquistions dinner in London; a fabulous end to the year.